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Polpharmа Group has developed, as part of the Supplier education program, an e-learning course dedicated to the Polpharmа Group Suppliers Code of Conduct. Six thematic modules describe, in a comprehensive manner, key aspects of company operations such as CSR, human rights, employment conditions, occupational safety and health, and environment protection. Training participants will learn about practical tools supporting company development in a given area, best practices, and guidelines on how to effectively implement the requirements of the Polpharmа Group Suppliers Code of Conduct.


Select your training module

Take your pre-test

Complete the selected course

Check your knowledge

Provide your data

Download the course certificate

We invite you to participate in our online courses. The training has been split up into thematic modules, so that each Participant can choose the topics they are interested in, or complete the whole training cycle. The courses may be done in any order and at any time. At the same time, we recommend that the training be commenced from Module 1 on CSR. Each training module will take no more than 30 minutes to complete. Upon verifying their knowledge in each module, the Participant will be able to download a corresponding certificate.

For the optimal screen resolution, we recommend using stationary PC, laptops or tablets