Good practices
We constantly improve the work environment, tools and conditions to ensure full safety, ergonomics and comfort to our employees. Every day, we develop awareness of joint responsibility for our own safety and the safety of our colleagues.
We are involved in cyclical activities dedicated to development of knowledge on safety and procedures in hazardous situations:
⦁ The European Week for Safety and Health at Work — we have participated in this campaign since 2013. The Week for Safety organised in our company includes, among other things, first aid training and demonstrations by emergency services of procedure during a staged car accident. Development of knowledge about safety and health also involves internal communication (articles, newsletter, intranet).
⦁ The Stop Accidents programme — the aim of the programme is to promote and show appreciation for the employees’ active stance towards safety. Employees are encouraged to observe and report near misses. The most active programme participants will receive attractive awards.
Routine is safety’s worst enemy. For this reason, when it comes to measures aimed at improving safety, the biggest challenge is to maintain the belief that a responsible attitude in the workplace guarantees our improved safety and that of our colleagues. This challenge — to avoid routine and strengthen a proactive approach — is paid particular attention in internal communication.
Programmes which have been conducted for years have multiple benefits: they increase knowledge about workplace safety, in particular with regard to joint responsibility for our own safety and safety of our colleagues. A tangible effect of the Stop Accidents campaign is elimination of 1,127 hazardous situations and behaviours in 2013–2014. The reports concerned technical, human and organisational issues.